A woman wearing a Cochlear implant speaks on a smartphone

Smart bimodal hearing solution

Hear your best with both ears. Discover the smart bimodal hearing solution from Cochlear and ReSound.

The benefits of bimodal hearing

Ears work as a team, and the brain needs both ears to effectively process sound1. For many people a bimodal hearing solution, with a hearing aid on one ear and a cochlear implant on the other, is the solution that provides them with their best hearing.

When compared to using a hearing aid or cochlear implant alone, users of bimodal hearing report a more natural hearing experience2, improved speech understanding in quiet and noise3-6, improved perception of music7, and better functioning in real-life environments3.        

In a large study, users of bimodal hearing also reported much higher satisfaction with their hearing performance compared with when they previously used two hearing aids8.

Our cochlear implant systems work with any hearing aid to deliver bimodal hearing, so if you are happy with your current hearing aid there is no need to change.

However, for a premium hearing experience and advanced connectivity, we offer a smart bimodal hearing solution in collaboration with ReSound, a pioneer in the hearing aid industry.

Bimodal solutions from the Smart Hearing Alliance

Cochear and ReSound collaborate in the Smart Hearing Alliance, so when there is a need for a hearing aid and a hearing implant, our solutions work together seamlessly. A bimodal hearing solution from the Smart Hearing Alliance provides all the benefits of bimodal hearing with additional advantages. 

Bimodal users with a Smart Hearing Alliance solution were more likely than those with other bimodal solutions to say they find it easy to hear in noisy environments and easy to talk on the phone, with 72% also saying they were very likely to recommend their hearing solution, in a survey9

The Smart Hearing Alliance also offers the world’s only smart bimodal hearing solution with direct streaming to both ears from a compatible Apple device*. 


Cochlear and ReSound logos

The smart bimodal hearing solution experience

Cochlear recipient Christopher plays guitar with a friend

"My bimodal hearing technology from Cochlear and ReSound has helped me regain the life I thought I had lost. I will be forever grateful for this amazing gift of sound."

- Christopher J, smart bimodal hearing solution user

Additional bimodal hearing options

A man appear on an iPad chat with his granddaughter

Bimodal hearing is available in various device combinations to help you hear your best with both ears.


ReSound is part of the GN group. GN makes life sound better through intelligent audio solutions.

* For compatibility information and devices visit cochlear.com/compatibility and resound.com/compatibility

Please seek advice from your health professional about treatments for hearing loss. Outcomes may vary, and your health professional will advise you about the factors which could affect your outcome. Always follow the directions for use. Not all products are available in all countries. Please contact your local Cochlear representative for product information.

For a full list of Cochlear’s trademarks, please visit our Terms of Use page.

Views expressed are those of the individual. Consult your health professional to determine if you are a candidate for Cochlear technology.

In Australia, Cochlear™ Nucleus® implant systems are intended for the treatment of moderately severe to profound hearing loss.

In Australia, Baha® bone conduction implant systems are intended for the treatment of moderate to profound hearing loss.

In Australia, the Cochlear™ Osia® System is indicated for patients with conductive, mixed hearing loss and single-sided sensorineural deafness (SSD) aged 10 years and above with up to 55 decibels sensorineural hearing loss. Patients should have sufficient bone quality and quantity to support successful implant placement. Surgery is required to use this product. Any surgical procedure carries risk.

For Cochlear™ Nucleus®, Osia® and Baha® systems: This product is not available for purchase by the general public. For information on funding and reimbursement please contact your health care professional.

Any testimonial featured on this website is intended for an Australian audience only.

Apple, the Apple logo, FaceTime, Made for iPad logo, Made for iPhone logo, Made for iPod logo, iPhone, iPad Pro, iPad Air, iPad mini, iPad and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

ReSound is a trademark of GN Hearing A/S. 

  1. Weaver, J. "Single-Sided Deafness: Causes, and Solutions, Take Many Forms." Hearing Journal 68.3 (2015): 20-24. Web. 28 Apr. 2017. http://journals.lww.com/thehearingjournal/Fulltext/2015/03000/Single_Sided_Deafness___Causes,_and_Solutions,.1.aspx.
  2. Farinetti A, Roman S, Mancini J, et al. Quality of life in bimodal hearing users (unilateral cochlear implants and contralateral hearing aids). Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol (2015 Nov); 272, 3209–3215.
  3. Ching TY, Incerti P, Hill M. Binaural benefits for adults who use hearing aids and cochlear implants in opposite ears. Ear Hear (2004 Feb); 25, 9–21.
  4. Morera C, Cavalle L, Manrique M, et al. Contralateral hearing aid use in cochlear implanted patients: Multicenter study of bimodal benefit. Acta Otolaryngol (2012 Jun); 132, 1084–1094.
  5. Potts LG, Skinner MW, Litovsky RA., et al. Recognition and localization of speech by adult cochlear implant recipients wearing a digital hearing aid in the nonimplanted ear (bimodal hearing). J Am Acad Audiol (2009 Jun); 20, 353–373.
  6. Gifford RH, Dorman MF, McKarns SA, Spahr AJ. Combined electric and contralateral acoustic hearing: Word and sentence recognition with bimodal hearing. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. (2007 Aug) 1;50(4):835-43.
  7. Sucher CM, McDermott HJ. Bimodal stimulation: benefits for music perception and sound quality. Cochlear Implants International. (2009 Jan); 1;10(S1):96-9.
  8. Preliminary data on file: Clinical evaluation of the Cochlear Nucleus® CI532 cochlear implant in adults (CLTD5685). 2019, Jan. [Sponsored by Cochlear].
  9. Cochlear Limited. D1627134. Cochlear Bimodal Experience Survey - April 2019. 2019, Jun.